English (United Kingdom)

Prodotti professional

Segafredo Zanetti offers a complete range of complementary products to guarantee its customers a complete and exclusive service:

  • Chocolate drinks: for a soft and enveloping coffee break
  • Barley and ginseng: two pleasant coffee alternatives, designed for customers who aim for a healthy lifestyle but who do not want to give up the pleasure of a coffee break at a bar
  • Coffee cream: a soft cold coffee cream ideal for summertime

Segafredo Zanetti is not only synonymous with coffee. Enter and discover the world of Brodies, the authentic Scottish tradition of the finest varieties of teas and infusions: a fascinating range of aromas and flavors for the most expert and refined palates.
This exclusive line for coffee bars is available in filters or cold in bottles, cans and soluble.

How about a good American coffee at a coffee bar? With Segafredo Zanetti it is possible! Chock Full o'Nuts - "The heavenly coffee" has been one of the most appreciated American coffees in the United States since 1932, and is one of the best-known brands on the East Coast.
Today, the real American coffee has landed in Italy with a wide range of traditional filter coffee blends, so as to bring the flavor of the most authentic America even to our coffee bars. The ideal range of products to meet the demands of the most curious consumers who look for a new and satisfying experience in a coffee break.

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Il prodotto per bar e ristoranti CafeSenza è pensato per chi è sensibile alla caffeina, ma non vuole comunque rinunciare al piacere di un ottimo caffè al bar.
Segafredo Zanetti esalta l’elevata qualità della materia prima con un processo interamente naturale. Il nostro processo di decaffeinizzazione avviene sui grani di caffè verse e utilizza anidride carbonica: le molecole di CO2, spinte ad una pressione molto elevata, si legano con quelle della caffeina; ripristinando la pressione standard, la CO2 si volatilizza insieme alla caffeina.

The Italian espresso, which everyone loves in the world, is made up of body, heart, passion and production capacity.
Segafredo Zanetti coffee blends come from the best qualities of Arabica and Robusta to recreate every day the magic of true Italian Espresso.